Well, I made it through one more week. I still don't have that "Get this baby out of me, I'm SO done being pregnant" feeling. Although, I am starting to get a little antsy. When my mom made her arrangements to come out, I thought a week past my due date was plenty of time. Now that it's getting closer, I'm starting to think of how I can encourage Baby Grover to come in time.
My brother David and his wife Tatiana will be in DC the week of July 12th - 19th. He has advised me that I must have the baby during this time, so he can be the first to meet Baby Grover. I'll see what I can manage. :-D
We had an interesting experience last night, as we tried leaving for the last of our child birth classes. I started getting annoyed that Lane wasn't unlocking the door for me to get in the car. But the reason he didn't was that he couldn't - the battery was dead!! This is because we forgot to turn the light off in the car when we installed the car seat on Saturday. Luckily, our neighbors Sean & Jessica came to the rescue by letting us borrow their car. They were so sweet and told us they were going to keep their phones on all night and to call if we went into labor and needed them again. Even more luckily, this happened when we were getting ready to leave for a class, and not the hospital.
I can't help but wonder if every little weird feeling I have is a hint of labor to start soon. So antsy.
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