Monday, July 14, 2008


Lane and I had a very relaxing Saturday. We slept in and just chilled out most of the morning. I got some reading and a little cleaning done while Lane "tested" a computer game with my brother, Matthew online.

David, Tatiana, and Luis Carlos are in town for the week and they came over for some late afternoon bbq. This was our first time meeting little Luis Carlos, who is Tatiana's three year old son. As soon as they arrived, the boys left for a little grocery store run. Lane must have already made an impression, because Luis Carlos was asking, "Dónde está mi tio Lane?" Of course, Lane was a huge hit - he always is with the little kids. We hung out outside by the pool, and had some delicious watermelon and bbq hamburgers. David got crazy and put grilled jalapeño peppers on them. They were pretty tasty, and definitely spicy - I figured some spicy food can't hurt when you're nine months pregnant. We even went swimming later on.

Later that evening, Lane and I were watching a movie when we started hearing these big blasts outside. At first I thought it may have been thunder, and then we realized it was probably fireworks. We went up to our rooftop to check things out. Apparently, the city of Alexandria was celebrating its birthday. We had no idea. We just sat in the lawn chairs, in the warm summer night with the refreshing breeze, and Lane massaged my feet while we enjoyed our own personal fireworks show.

This may possibly have been our last Saturday together before Baby Grover arrives. It was a wonderful and relaxing way to spend it.

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