Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How the Cookies Became Infamous

As you requested loyal readers ;), here's what went down:

Lane has modified an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe to sheer perfection status and made a batch to share at a work potluck one day.

He brought a small tupperware container and before the actual potluck, shared a few cookies with his immediate cube mates. Other people started getting excited, but he decided he better wait until the potluck started to share any more, less there not be any left. One woman took it upon herself to be the guardian of the cookies.

When lunchtime rolled around, with lunch items on one table, and desserts on a completely different table, one lady went straight to the cookies and started putting several on her plate. The Guardian quickly became distressed.

Clearly upset by this, she went straight to the Cookie Lady and immediately informed her that she couldn’t eat dessert first, and proceeded to remove the cookies from Cookie Lady’s plate!!! Cookie Lady was not having any of this and told the Guardian exactly how she felt. I believe her words were, “Get your mother $%*& hands off my mother $%*& cookies!!”

Things then escalated quickly with insults being exchanged between Cookie Lady and the Guardian about each other’s children (yes, these women are both mothers in their 30s). The next thing every body realized was that they had gone out into the parking lot and were separated by Pentagon police and as a result of fighting, were each fired from their jobs.

Now, upon hearing this story myself, I was CERTAIN there were issues between these two ladies before the cookie incident. But Lane says they would actually carpool to work together sometimes!! Who knew that cookies could bring out such fiery emotions in people!?! Lane has since changed the name of the recipe to "Kick Yo Ass Cookies".

I’m not going to lie though, they are heavenly - especially as a sandwich with some vanilla ice cream inside. Mmmm.


Patrick and Crystal said...

I think I need this recipe, if it's worth getting fired for. And don't say it's a "secret family recipe"... I am family!

Anonymous said...

Great story! I totally believed it because I have eaten your desserts before. That teaches me to read your blog two days late!

Scott said...

That is awesome.

Having had grover-made treats numerous times, I am not too suprised by this. Actually, I am more suprised it didn't happen sooner.

Please leave the cookies at home before we have a(nother) full-scale war on our hands.

Just to be safe, please send all uneaten baked goods to 13291 Holly Street, Thornton, Co for disposal.