Sunday, April 13, 2008

All By Myself

So this weekend I was all alone without my dear husband. I thought I might enjoy some me time, but I mostly got an attack of pregnancy hormones and really missed Lane.

I decided that there is no joy in cooking for no one, so I just avoided it all weekend. Friday was beautiful weather so I took Baby Grover on a date to a new sushi restaurant down the street. We shared a Bento Box and sat outside. It was really pleasant to just be outside in the evening in a tank top and capris and be totally comfortable. Could spring really be here? I sure hope so.

Yesterday I had great plans to walk to the nearby shopping center for some comfy pregnant lady shoes. I packed a little bag, even brought my book to read out on the patio at Pentagon Row. When I walked outside, it was a little cloudy, by the time I started crossing the street it was drizzly, and by the time I walked about 30 more feet, it was steadily pouring rain. I got discouraged and turned around and went home. So there I was feeling defeated, in my warm and stuffy apartment. Opening the window was no use, as it was muggy and rainy outside. I just sat on the couch feeling pathetic - I was a hot, uncomfortable pregnant lady in APRIL. And, as if just to spite me, the brilliant sunshine suddenly appeared in the window. I didn't gather the motivation to venture back out on my mission until 7:30 that evening. It was a successful mission on all accounts - I arrived without getting rained upon and I found two pairs of comfy shoes.

Today I got to visit with an old friend from high school. We made it over to National Geographic to check out the Frogs around the World exhibit. It was totally rad! The frogs were amazing colors, came in all different sizes and shapes and were really quite fascinating. Not only that, it was fun to just chit chat and catch up with Morgan.

We met up later that evening with her husband, Andro and feasted on Ethiopian food down the street from our apartment. I hadn't ever been to that restaurant before. It was really tasty.

I learned Morgan might be coming back in September for a wedding. Hopefully we'll be able to meet up with her and introduce her to our newest littlest Grover.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mmmm, the ethiopian food was SO good. maybe next time we can upgrade to one of the round, woven tables in the center and feast properly.

it was really good to see you and rub your tummy! i'm already looking into our trip to dc in the fall!