Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week 28

Well people, we have just entered the third and final trimester of this pregnancy! We are only plus-or-minus 84 days away from meeting this little cutie-patootie.

This week, Baby Grover weighs just about 2.5 pounds and is approximately 15 inches long. She is able to blink her newly eyelashed eyes and her main job these days is packing on the pounds. Her momma seems to be doing the same.

I have been so proud to say I haven’t been sick this entire pregnancy. That is, until now. A sore throat made an unfortunate and unwelcome appearance over the weekend, and I’m starting to wake up lots during the night these days. So goodbye restful nights of full sleep, I’ll catch you again in about three years or so. And by the way, you can peace out any time, sore throat. I won’t miss you one tiny bit.

In other blogworthy news, Betsy, my wonderful volunteer presented me with another gift for Baby Grover last week. Before revealing this present she told me that she was going to give me something no other moms around here would have. She said not even my doctor or the baby’s pediatrician would have one, or even anyone else at the hospital. Of course I was getting very curious. She also said that it was from Japan, where her daughter lives, and that she had given one of these gifts to a cousin before. When the cousin saw it, she thought it was the grossest thing ever, but now she really likes it and asked her to bring back more on her next trip to the US. So Betsy said her daughter brought a bag full, and she snagged one for me. Aren’t you just dying with curiosity?!? I sure was. And here it is:

Apparently, you put one end in the baby’s stuffed up nostril, and the other end in your mouth. Then you suck out all the yuckies so baby can breathe again. Don’t worry, it goes in a separate area, not in your mouth – that would be gross. But it’s still a little strange. Apparently, it’s supposed to work much better than those blue suction things you get at the hospital. I’ll let you know how it goes. I have to play it by ear though, because I can’t understand any of the instructions on the box.

p.s. Right now the last thing I feel like doing is taking a picture. I'm so tired and sicky feeling. But don't lose hope. I may still suck it up and take a picture before bedtime.
So those are tears in my eyes in the second picture - Lane made me laugh so much I started crying and that happened to be the best belly pic. Go figure.

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