Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's True!

I finally told my co-workers we're having a baby. They were super duper excited. This one lady says she could tell because of how I walked differently. I have a sneaking suspicion that she really just overheard Habiba and me talking about it one day, since she sits right behind her. Another girl said she wanted to ask me, but thought maybe I was just enjoying the holidays. As some people congratulated me, about three other people or so came rushing over to find out who was being congratulated and what for. I swear, this news is spreading like wildfire!!

At Lane's work, Ben the guy who spilled the beans for Lane, spilled them even further by sending a meeting scheduler for a congratulatory happy hour. Sounds sweet, right? Well he didn't include Lane on this scheduler, but DID include Lane's boss, who Lane had not yet shared the news with. She had to ask him why she had to find out from some other guy about his news. She was cool, but still! Wildfire I tell you.

Tomorrow is 12 weeks. Today we had to buy some storage bins to put away the many, many pairs of pants I can no longer wear. While we were at Target, we browsed some of the zillions of baby products out there. It was a little overwhelming to say the least.

I've been reading a book about the Bradley Method - an all natural childbirth method. We'll see how that goes. Lane is reading his dad book I got him and learning lots.

This weekend we got a sweet card in the mail from my Aunt Annie and Uncle Dave. My mom also sent us a card saying we couldn't have given them better news over the holidays. yay :)

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