Thursday, January 10, 2008

Week 13 (my, how time flies!)

It seems only yesterday I was barely 12 weeks pregnant, yet today I am a whole week more pregnant. I asked the Dr. what was going on at my appointment today, since according to my last ultrasound, I was 13 wks 1 day preggo, while I believed I was 12 weeks. Based on the two ultrasounds, they are switching my due date to July 15th, so change your calendars, everyone! This means everything is happening sooner - when I'll start to feel the baby, when we'll find out the sex, when I'll be off of work... wow.

I also discovered that since December 11th I have gained NINE pounds!! This is crazy talk. Sure, I’ve been eating a lot, but a lot of blueberries and tangerines and sugar snap peas, not a lot of chocolate cake, lard, and other crappy junk. The Dr. also said not to be surprised if I didn’t gain much between now and the next appointment. I’ve been trying to work up the motivation to do my prenatal yoga more often. I think I just found it.

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