Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekend Fun

On Thursday night Lane got to go to a hockey game with the bosses at work. I was sound asleep when he got home. We decided to go on a date on Friday and had dinner at this little pizza cafe across the street from our apartment. They have delicious pizza, and it's totally casual. Lots of people go there with their kids and have pizza and play games. My pizza had fresh parmesan cheese, prosciutto, and fresh spicy arugula. mmm. We went home and watched the 40 Year Old Virgin, which was a cute movie, until it got all crazy at the end when they all sang Aquarius and were prancing around strangely. That was a little cooky.

We were fortunate to laze around during the day and then had an exciting afternoon being introduced to the wonders of Wii by our friends Sean & Jessica. And let me just say that I am much better at tennis and bowling on Wii than in real life. I even beat LANE! This is unheard of.

Saturday night we went to Ben & Raquel's. We hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving - way too long! They had a group of people over and we played the old stand by game of Apples to Apples, and a new fun one called Fact or Crap. There were lots of laughs that evening.

We finally finished putting away Christmas - all the ornaments, decorations, the big beautiful tree are all stored safely and ready to come out of hiding promptly as soon as Thanksgiving is over.

Sunday, we had Marc & Katie over for dinner. Lane had a great idea of making them pizzas. After we rushed around at three different grocery stores, we got busy getting ready for the evening. I started the pizza dough since it has to rise for so long while Lane (the lifesaver) cleaned our apartment up. We had a goat cheese, fresh tomato and fresh basil pizza and a spicy pizza with hot italian sausage, marinated mushrooms, and pepperoncinis. Lane also made the salad and salad dressing, and if this weren't wonderful enough, after dinner he whipped up an apple crisp. I love that guy.

It was great feeling back to my normal self, seeing friends, laughing, and eating good food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh ha! I thought it might be you. :) Tim mentioned you guys at Christmas and in doing so said where you were living...then the wheels started turning. Your admission of guilt is appreciated though all the same.

I look forward to catching up on your blog as well. I also wanted to say CONGRATS!! You are basically at the perfect stage in your pregnancy from my experience. The next couple months are very exciting and mostly comfortable. Not to mention there is no morning sickness. Enjoy it because it goes by way too fast! Okay enough lame advise...thanks for commenting. :)