Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lane's Ridiculous Super Power

Yesterday Lane went to sign some papers at our insurance agent's office. He called me because the office wasn't where he thought it was. I gave him the address and the guy's phone number. Later on, when I got home, I asked Lane what happened. It turns out the guy relocated, but to somewhere on the same street. I was a little confused here, wouldn't you look up the address before going, and see that it's different? Maybe if you weren't Lane! Lane *remembered* where the office was, in a city that's like 25 minutes away. He had only ever been there ONCE before, and that was in 2005. If the guy hadn't moved, Lane would have been there no problem. This guy is crazy, man.


Anonymous said...

Please take no offense, but Lane's superpower is being a male.

Elena said...

Dear Trent Scott,

I'm telling you - it's SO much more than that! (you can back me up on this one any time, Sean!)

morethangray said...

Uh, to be honest...Lane doesn't have a superpower. Unless I have the same one. I may not remember numbers or street names, but I can always remember the path to a destination by some other method.

Scott said...

am I so transparent? Ok. Lane is a superhero. But this is a secondary superpower at best. His dashing good look, though? They're amazing.

Anonymous said...

No, seriously--Lane is the most RIDICULOUS direction finder ever; I'm thoroughly convinced that he could find his way back to someplace he only visited in utero. In fact, it's entirely possible that this ability is so deeply imbedded in his genetic material that he could locate any place either of his parents have EVER been. He's incredible. Women want him, and men want to be him. Bastard.