Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Santa Barbara Grovers are coming to town!

We just got some really fabulous news!! Ian, Adrienne, and their beautiful daughters, Claire & Natalie are coming to visit us in DC during spring break! They just made their flight arrangements today! Yahoo!!!!

It has been way too long since we’ve seen them. We are excited to finally have our turn to host them, albeit in our cozy apartment. Last year for Christmas, we got the girls a matching art game all with paintings from the National Art Gallery. I was so excited to hear that Claire asked if she could go see the paintings in real life! She also asked to meet the president, but we’re not sure we can pull enough strings to make that happen for her.

There is just so much planning to do – where we’re going to go, what I’m going to cook for them, fun stuff for the adults and fun stuff for the girls. As you can see, we are thrilled they are going to visit us. Just a little more than two months go to!!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

We can't WAIT!

And just so you know - I might just have to do a little cooking for YOU while you're off at work!

xoxoxo Adie