Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just like my mom

This morning, as I sulked around in the kitchen thinking about eating cereal for breakfast all I could think of was how much I didn't want cereal for breakfast, that I was already running late, and really? cereal for breakfast? I've been trying to eat me some fortified grains in the mornings and not leave the house without eating lately but I just wasn't having it.

I suddenly remembered how my mom would make us burritos in the mornings and send us off to school with them wrapped in foil so they stayed nice and warm. And everyone thought it was strange I wasn't eating breakfast food for breakfast. Brilliant!!

I heated up some spanish rice, carnitas meat, doused it with salsa and skillfully wrapped up my tortilla, and folded the foil all around. It was the tastiest, most satisfying breakfast around. Not only because it was delicious, but it reminded me of eating such breakfasts as a kiddo and super duper comforting.

There you have it people, another post all about food. I just can't help myself!


Anonymous said...

oh boy. I just got back from safeway. I was looking forward to breakfast tomorrow because I bought some new, delicious...breakfast cereal. but now I guess I have to figure out how to make a burrito??

Elena said...

I've been routinely eating cereal in the AMs but just wasn't having it yesterday... or today for that matter. That burrito was such a good idea yesterday that I made one this morning too :) Can't wait for you to come !!!